Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult, is about a boy named Peter Houghton and Peters friend Josie Cormier. Peter is big trouble not for a fight not for swearing but for killing and injuring a number of people. Peter isnt your everyday picked on boy, he is injured and embarrassed twice as worse.he was getting picked on from the day he starting kindergarten to the day he had enough.Peter gets kick,hit,beat on and much more. He told everyone but a teacher giving a student a warning or whatever isnt going to help him through this. the only thing he wanted was to end it all. so peter took 2 shotguns and ammo and did what he thought was his only option,and that was to punish the ones who did this to him. Josie how ever is the daughter of Alex Cormier. Alex cares for josie more than anything. when Josie was young and before she got into that whole popular crowd she was best friends with people. they hung out like all the time. they played during and after school. they were close. but going into the popular crowd changed Josie and change the relationship between Josie and peter. they talked very little after the day Josie told him they shouldn't be friends. when it came time for Peter to go kill all those people he knew who he wanted to die and who he wanted to live. Nineteen Minutes is a sad but catching book. if you are a person that can sit down and read a book and understand what peter went through this book is for you. if i had to rate this book there is no rating it is going to be the best book you ever read and you are going want to read it over and over again.
I'm going to nab this one before we send it back - you made me want to read it!
I MUST reaf this book!!! it souds much to good to not read!
Fish, Love, And happieness-
btw in the paragraph it says that she was best friends with people... the people is suppose to be Peter
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