We read this book (me and my class) in English class.This book took us about 12 classes maybe more.
This book is about a boy named Crispin and his struggle to survive. At the beginning of the book it tells how Crispin's mother dies and Father Quinel (the priest) helps Crispin bury her.Crispin lives in the village of Stromford along with John Aycliffe every body's worst enemy...Aycliffe trys to burn down Crispin's house because he thinks there is no use to it anymore because Asta nor her husband is alive. Aycliffe also trys to kill Crispin by claiming him as a "Wolfs Head", and telling everyone in the village that he stole money from the church (when he really didn't)! Now everyone is after him so often that he has to run away. Father Quinel trys to help him escape but he gets caught and killed now Crispin is on his own on trying to escape. Crispin comes into another village and discovers that there is only one person who is still living in the village! Sooner or Later Crispin finds out that this guys name is Oliver but he is actually called Bear because of his humongous size. Later on in the book Crispin finds out that Lord Furnival is his real father (even though his mother said that he was dead)! And after a while with bear he has learned to sing,dance,play the recorder, hunt, and plenty others...And after the long time that Crispin has been away from Stromford Aycliffe was still looking for him. Now Bear and Crispin are in Great Wexly and never guess what so is John Aycliffe, his worst enemy!!! At the end of the book Bear gets captured by Aycliffe just to get close to Crispin...until...Crispin promises to god that if Aycliffe takes him to Bear then Crispin would never admit that he was Lord Furnival's son. John made the deal and took him to Bear (who was all torn and beaten)! Anyways at the VERY VERY VERY last pages Aycliffe gets killed and Crispin keeps his promise he never revealed that he was Lord Furnival's one and only son. Bear And Crispin are now free from all the fighting!
Well that is the end and there is another book of Crispin but i am not quite sure what it is!
But in the beginning he is called Asta's son because his mothers name was Asta. This is a really interesting book and i would mark it 5 stars.
If you are interested in something international for teens, try Dangerous Days: The Autobiography of a Photojournalist, a four-part Australian adventure novel just released in New York by Eloquent Books/AEG Publishing (four individual stories inside the one cover).
I really enjoyed this book, too - I liked the way all the secrets and action developed. (Try not to give any of the secrets away in your review, though!) Keep the reviews coming, soxrox!
thanks guys and i will definantally try to look at the others books in the library!!
i am kinda comfused about this reveiw and i read this book in class to. Seeing that i read it too i understand but if i hadn't i would get parts of the book.
well i am sorry for that...haha>.<, and i will fix it just tell me parts confuse you?
I read this book when I was in 6th grade..it was a great book!
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